08-01 10:56 PM
My Guess is for x number of GCs processed during last week of june, most of the 2008 quota is consumed by their benificiaries just to clean up the mess.
For the retrogressed countries /categories with thighter quota restrictions , i would not be too much hopefull for atleast couple of years.
Just MY 2Cents
2008 quota can never be used in 2007.
My Guess is for x number of GCs processed during last week of june, most of the 2008 quota is consumed by their benificiaries just to clean up the mess.
For the retrogressed countries /categories with thighter quota restrictions , i would not be too much hopefull for atleast couple of years.
Just MY 2Cents
2008 quota can never be used in 2007.
crazy hair color dye. megan fox hair color dye
03-01 06:19 PM
Look at what NumbersUSA has got to say about the effectiveness of its mass faxing/emailing strategy...
From: Roy Beck, President, NumbersUSA
Date: Wednesday 1MAR06 5:30 p.m. EST
Day 3-----Media confirm your calls/faxes making a difference in fighting Specter's amnesty
"Despite the breadth of interest groups
advocating an expanded guest-worker program,
the enforcement-only crowd makes considerably
more noise on Capitol Hill, if the flood
of mail, e-mail and phone calls to member
offices is any indication."
The power of what you are doing has been confirmed in a big story in The Hill newspaper. This daily publication is the community newspaper for the tens of thousands of people who work in congressional offices on Capitol Hill.
It claims that the power of your phoning and faxing may be countering the power of the Chamber of Commerce, religious lobbies, ethnic lobbies, ACLU and cheap-labor corporations combined.
With the Senate Judiciary Committee prepared to start tomorrow (Thursday) voting on amendments to the giant amnesty bill of its chairman, Sen. Specter, the newspaper stated that the open borders positions are supported by one of the largest and most powerful blocs of groups ever assembled.
But the newspaper reported that you all may be more influential:
"A handful of single-issue groups opposing
the guest-worker program have effectively
put the other side on the defensive since
President Bush first announced his intentions
to push comprehensive immigration reform, as
evidenced by the administration's backtracking
since Bush first proposed such a program in
January 2004.
"One of those groups, Numbers USA, has 135,000
registered activists throughout the country and
an e-mail list in excess of 1 million subscribers,
all of whom have signed up voluntarily, said
Caroline Espinosa, a spokeswoman for the group.
A link on the Numbers USA website also allows browsers
to fax a personal note to members of Congress in
support of increased enforcement of illegal immigration."
None of this changes the fact that most Senators want to have 2 million to 3 million foreign workers and their families being added to our laborforce and communities each year.
But we are getting reports from the Hill and from many of you that many of them are starting to show some signs of concern about how their open-borders voting may affect their standing back home.
We don't like being called "anti-immigration," but we like what the reporter said he found in talking to people in the Senate:
"The anti-immigration crowd has political momentum
at this stage in the fight, with congressional
Republicans wary to cast any vote that could turn
off their conservative base during this critical
election year, but members will also have a hard
time ignoring such a broad cross-section of business,
labor and social groups with their own self-interested
Now, if we could just get more Democratic Senators to start worrying about their base.
Well, we got a little sign of hope on that front today. The AFL-CIO -- which is selling out its tradition and its American members by pushing an amnesty -- has come out against Specter's and McCain's amnesty bills because they have gigantic foreign guestworker programs. That gives hope that some Democratic Senators would vote against these bills. And it is doubtful that the Republican open-border Senators would vote for an amnesty that didn't include the guestworker provisions so sought by the Chamber of Commerce.
What you have been doing is working. You have kept phones and fax machines ringing since first-thing Monday morning through this minute. Do not let up.
Click here for actions to take.
Our seven-person Capitol Hill Team of professionals will be in the Committee Room and other key Capitol Hill locations all day assisting our six-person Website Team to provide you with updates and help in where your activism can do the most good.
The reason you NumbersUSA activists are seen as the primary constituency pressure force on the Hill in pushing sensible immigration policies is because of the work that I know most of you will do tomorrow.
Just go to our Hot Topics page, which has links for detailed analysis of the bill.
Thanks for all you can do. And thanks for all the reports that you have been sending back to us on what you hear when you call. Our Capitol Team makes good use of your reports.
-- ROY
If you have time, you might enjoy reading some more of The Hill article:
"Numbers USA also does objective and subjective
summaries of each bill introduced on the issue
and notifies subscribers in advance of any
important actions on Capitol Hill, such as this
week's markup. As such, the group was expected to
send an alert asking those supporters living in
states represented by members of the Senate
Judiciary Committee to call or fax their members
in anticipation of that markup.
"Battling with groups like Numbers USA is an
uncommon experience for many members of the business
community because they do not regularly work on
such socially sensitive topics.
"We don't usually end up on the other side of single-issue groups," Gay said. "That's unusual for us."
* * * * *
"The National Restaurant Association usually does not join forces with the National Council of La Raza, and the U.S. Chamber of Commerce rarely, if ever, aligns itself with the Conference of Catholic Bishops.
"But those organizations and many others have come together in support of a comprehensive immigration-reform bill that would expand guest-worker programs and offer undocumented workers already in this country a path to citizenship. They are up against an aggressive cross-section of single-issue organizations that favor increased enforcement of immigration laws and have condemned any legislation that would allow undocumented workers already here eventually to become citizens.
"With the Senate Judiciary Committee expected to mark up its version of the immigration bill Thursday, groups on either side of the issue have geared up for a hard fight, and the vehemence and intractability of either side should make compromise particularly difficult for lawmakers on Capitol Hill.
"A unique coalition of divergent interest groups have rallied in support of a bill introduced by Sens. John McCain (R-Ariz.) and Edward Kennedy (D-Mass.).
"he fact that the Chamber of Commerce needs comprehensive immigration reform is very good," said Flavia Jimenez, an outreach director for the National Council of La Raza, a Hispanic advocacy organization.
"Members of the business community also appreciate working with groups such as La Raza because it allows the overarching coalition to communicate with Republicans and Democrats alike on Capitol Hill.
"It's nice actually to get to work with these guys," said John Gay, a senior vice president for government affairs with the National Restaurant Association, which co-chairs the Essential Worker Immigration Coalition (EWIC), a group of more than 40 business and trade associations seeking comprehensive reform.
"Because the many groups within this broad coalition have slightly different priorities, they must communicate regularly to push common themes. In the end, these organizations are all fighting for what they consider the best interests of their dues-paying members.
"Despite the breadth of interest groups
advocating an expanded guest-worker program,
the enforcement-only crowd makes considerably
more noise on Capitol Hill, if the flood
of mail, e-mail and phone calls to member
offices is any indication."
This may be a good time for you to make sure that you've let us know all of the areas you are interested in. In order to further customize the type of alerts you receive click here
As a NumbersUSA subscriber, you will receive occasional emails about immigration-related opportunities. If you want to increase or reduce the frequency of these emails, click here and choose from Total Activism, Moderate Activism, or Limited Activism at the bottom of your registration form:
NumbersUSA - relies upon individuals like you to reach its goal of an environmentally sustainable and economically just America.
From: Roy Beck, President, NumbersUSA
Date: Wednesday 1MAR06 5:30 p.m. EST
Day 3-----Media confirm your calls/faxes making a difference in fighting Specter's amnesty
"Despite the breadth of interest groups
advocating an expanded guest-worker program,
the enforcement-only crowd makes considerably
more noise on Capitol Hill, if the flood
of mail, e-mail and phone calls to member
offices is any indication."
The power of what you are doing has been confirmed in a big story in The Hill newspaper. This daily publication is the community newspaper for the tens of thousands of people who work in congressional offices on Capitol Hill.
It claims that the power of your phoning and faxing may be countering the power of the Chamber of Commerce, religious lobbies, ethnic lobbies, ACLU and cheap-labor corporations combined.
With the Senate Judiciary Committee prepared to start tomorrow (Thursday) voting on amendments to the giant amnesty bill of its chairman, Sen. Specter, the newspaper stated that the open borders positions are supported by one of the largest and most powerful blocs of groups ever assembled.
But the newspaper reported that you all may be more influential:
"A handful of single-issue groups opposing
the guest-worker program have effectively
put the other side on the defensive since
President Bush first announced his intentions
to push comprehensive immigration reform, as
evidenced by the administration's backtracking
since Bush first proposed such a program in
January 2004.
"One of those groups, Numbers USA, has 135,000
registered activists throughout the country and
an e-mail list in excess of 1 million subscribers,
all of whom have signed up voluntarily, said
Caroline Espinosa, a spokeswoman for the group.
A link on the Numbers USA website also allows browsers
to fax a personal note to members of Congress in
support of increased enforcement of illegal immigration."
None of this changes the fact that most Senators want to have 2 million to 3 million foreign workers and their families being added to our laborforce and communities each year.
But we are getting reports from the Hill and from many of you that many of them are starting to show some signs of concern about how their open-borders voting may affect their standing back home.
We don't like being called "anti-immigration," but we like what the reporter said he found in talking to people in the Senate:
"The anti-immigration crowd has political momentum
at this stage in the fight, with congressional
Republicans wary to cast any vote that could turn
off their conservative base during this critical
election year, but members will also have a hard
time ignoring such a broad cross-section of business,
labor and social groups with their own self-interested
Now, if we could just get more Democratic Senators to start worrying about their base.
Well, we got a little sign of hope on that front today. The AFL-CIO -- which is selling out its tradition and its American members by pushing an amnesty -- has come out against Specter's and McCain's amnesty bills because they have gigantic foreign guestworker programs. That gives hope that some Democratic Senators would vote against these bills. And it is doubtful that the Republican open-border Senators would vote for an amnesty that didn't include the guestworker provisions so sought by the Chamber of Commerce.
What you have been doing is working. You have kept phones and fax machines ringing since first-thing Monday morning through this minute. Do not let up.
Click here for actions to take.
Our seven-person Capitol Hill Team of professionals will be in the Committee Room and other key Capitol Hill locations all day assisting our six-person Website Team to provide you with updates and help in where your activism can do the most good.
The reason you NumbersUSA activists are seen as the primary constituency pressure force on the Hill in pushing sensible immigration policies is because of the work that I know most of you will do tomorrow.
Just go to our Hot Topics page, which has links for detailed analysis of the bill.
Thanks for all you can do. And thanks for all the reports that you have been sending back to us on what you hear when you call. Our Capitol Team makes good use of your reports.
-- ROY
If you have time, you might enjoy reading some more of The Hill article:
"Numbers USA also does objective and subjective
summaries of each bill introduced on the issue
and notifies subscribers in advance of any
important actions on Capitol Hill, such as this
week's markup. As such, the group was expected to
send an alert asking those supporters living in
states represented by members of the Senate
Judiciary Committee to call or fax their members
in anticipation of that markup.
"Battling with groups like Numbers USA is an
uncommon experience for many members of the business
community because they do not regularly work on
such socially sensitive topics.
"We don't usually end up on the other side of single-issue groups," Gay said. "That's unusual for us."
* * * * *
"The National Restaurant Association usually does not join forces with the National Council of La Raza, and the U.S. Chamber of Commerce rarely, if ever, aligns itself with the Conference of Catholic Bishops.
"But those organizations and many others have come together in support of a comprehensive immigration-reform bill that would expand guest-worker programs and offer undocumented workers already in this country a path to citizenship. They are up against an aggressive cross-section of single-issue organizations that favor increased enforcement of immigration laws and have condemned any legislation that would allow undocumented workers already here eventually to become citizens.
"With the Senate Judiciary Committee expected to mark up its version of the immigration bill Thursday, groups on either side of the issue have geared up for a hard fight, and the vehemence and intractability of either side should make compromise particularly difficult for lawmakers on Capitol Hill.
"A unique coalition of divergent interest groups have rallied in support of a bill introduced by Sens. John McCain (R-Ariz.) and Edward Kennedy (D-Mass.).
"he fact that the Chamber of Commerce needs comprehensive immigration reform is very good," said Flavia Jimenez, an outreach director for the National Council of La Raza, a Hispanic advocacy organization.
"Members of the business community also appreciate working with groups such as La Raza because it allows the overarching coalition to communicate with Republicans and Democrats alike on Capitol Hill.
"It's nice actually to get to work with these guys," said John Gay, a senior vice president for government affairs with the National Restaurant Association, which co-chairs the Essential Worker Immigration Coalition (EWIC), a group of more than 40 business and trade associations seeking comprehensive reform.
"Because the many groups within this broad coalition have slightly different priorities, they must communicate regularly to push common themes. In the end, these organizations are all fighting for what they consider the best interests of their dues-paying members.
"Despite the breadth of interest groups
advocating an expanded guest-worker program,
the enforcement-only crowd makes considerably
more noise on Capitol Hill, if the flood
of mail, e-mail and phone calls to member
offices is any indication."
This may be a good time for you to make sure that you've let us know all of the areas you are interested in. In order to further customize the type of alerts you receive click here
As a NumbersUSA subscriber, you will receive occasional emails about immigration-related opportunities. If you want to increase or reduce the frequency of these emails, click here and choose from Total Activism, Moderate Activism, or Limited Activism at the bottom of your registration form:
NumbersUSA - relies upon individuals like you to reach its goal of an environmentally sustainable and economically just America.
crazy hair color dye. crazy hair color ideas for
02-01 11:23 PM
I recently got my 485 approved and got my card too. My wife's case is bit complicated.
I would appreciate if someone can throw light on this.
She applied her 485 in August 2007. Her 485 was seperately filed with her company since I was physically not present in US at that time in order to apply her as my dependent through my primary 485.
I applied for my 485 in Oct 2007 when I came back to US. I did not add her as dependent since she already applied for her 485.
Later in 2008 ( , my lawyer sent a letter to USCIS requesting them to link her 485 as my dependent. Now after my 485 is approved, my lawyer checked with USCIS whether her case is linked to mine. Lawyer was informed that the case is indeed linked and that her 485 will be approved anytime.
But now, my wife;s position in her company is not that good as there are layoffs happening. If God forbid she gets layed off from her current h1b status, will she be in status? can she continnue to stay in US without working?
yes, since she has a pending 485 she does not have to worry about status, that pending 485 keeps the status around. She can even file for an EAD.
I recently got my 485 approved and got my card too. My wife's case is bit complicated.
I would appreciate if someone can throw light on this.
She applied her 485 in August 2007. Her 485 was seperately filed with her company since I was physically not present in US at that time in order to apply her as my dependent through my primary 485.
I applied for my 485 in Oct 2007 when I came back to US. I did not add her as dependent since she already applied for her 485.
Later in 2008 ( , my lawyer sent a letter to USCIS requesting them to link her 485 as my dependent. Now after my 485 is approved, my lawyer checked with USCIS whether her case is linked to mine. Lawyer was informed that the case is indeed linked and that her 485 will be approved anytime.
But now, my wife;s position in her company is not that good as there are layoffs happening. If God forbid she gets layed off from her current h1b status, will she be in status? can she continnue to stay in US without working?
yes, since she has a pending 485 she does not have to worry about status, that pending 485 keeps the status around. She can even file for an EAD.
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11-26 02:34 PM
Why do we always blame others for our problems? USCIS, DOL and now IVs lobbyists?
First of all, we wouldn't need any lobbyists if ALL members of our community ( including completely inert/inactive members like you) were doing their job. That is approaching the local lawmakers ( US Senators and Reps) office. If al 25,000 members of our site (or at least the majority of them) were doing this, we wouldn't even be needing any lobbying firm. We could have been doing it all ourselves, saving a lot of money and doing a better job.
Since that's not happening - because most members like you are scared shitless like Chicken Little that sky may fall on your heads if you do that - IV is not left with much option, but to use the services of the Lobbying firms.
Before asking Lobbying firm for refund, you should do your job of lobbying with your local lawmakers. If you were sharing your part of the responsibility, we wouldn't be needing them in the first place.
should we not ask for refund from our lobbyists..they lied to us last yearlobbying shoud be result oriented..not stuffing for their turkey...... sab hawa ke badhshah hai..;-)
First of all, we wouldn't need any lobbyists if ALL members of our community ( including completely inert/inactive members like you) were doing their job. That is approaching the local lawmakers ( US Senators and Reps) office. If al 25,000 members of our site (or at least the majority of them) were doing this, we wouldn't even be needing any lobbying firm. We could have been doing it all ourselves, saving a lot of money and doing a better job.
Since that's not happening - because most members like you are scared shitless like Chicken Little that sky may fall on your heads if you do that - IV is not left with much option, but to use the services of the Lobbying firms.
Before asking Lobbying firm for refund, you should do your job of lobbying with your local lawmakers. If you were sharing your part of the responsibility, we wouldn't be needing them in the first place.
should we not ask for refund from our lobbyists..they lied to us last yearlobbying shoud be result oriented..not stuffing for their turkey...... sab hawa ke badhshah hai..;-)
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06-12 09:52 AM
While in the process of filing for labor certification my company has found 2 suitable citizens who are eligible for the job.
Now what are my options going forward and how does this affect my chances of a successful PERM filing ??
I'm filing in EB3 category right now. Also I need to file for labor before oct since my H1 will expire its original 6 year length next Oct (Oct 2010).
Ask your company to fire you asap. The HR should anyways fire you and hire the US citizen.
You should find another job asap.
If you cannot, then leave the country. If you overstay you will be illegal.
And if you are an anti-immigrant posting on this site to expect people to tell you how to break the law. Then sorry bad luck. I have seen your websites with such posts. Stop comming to this site and try to malign law abiding people. Got it.
Read this
1 in every 100 Americans in jail
While in the process of filing for labor certification my company has found 2 suitable citizens who are eligible for the job.
Now what are my options going forward and how does this affect my chances of a successful PERM filing ??
I'm filing in EB3 category right now. Also I need to file for labor before oct since my H1 will expire its original 6 year length next Oct (Oct 2010).
Ask your company to fire you asap. The HR should anyways fire you and hire the US citizen.
You should find another job asap.
If you cannot, then leave the country. If you overstay you will be illegal.
And if you are an anti-immigrant posting on this site to expect people to tell you how to break the law. Then sorry bad luck. I have seen your websites with such posts. Stop comming to this site and try to malign law abiding people. Got it.
Read this
1 in every 100 Americans in jail
crazy hair color dye. I let my 13 year old son dye
05-23 01:49 AM
I understand your anxiety. To answer your questions:
There is no chance of having any single set of provisions "become law immediately."
Unfortunately, we have to let this current round of discussions on CIR play out. What should we root for? That amendments to the current CIR that basically gut the bill fail. If the bill survives these amendments then we stand a good chance of succeeding in our efforts.
For strategic reasons, we cannot disclose everything we know about behind the scenes agreements.
Hang in there!
- Why is it not possible for IV to convince brownback or cronyn to support in a amedment that backlog reduction section for legal immigrants could take effect immdiately. it looks like for legal immigrants except for sen.session no one opposes any provision.
I understand your anxiety. To answer your questions:
There is no chance of having any single set of provisions "become law immediately."
Unfortunately, we have to let this current round of discussions on CIR play out. What should we root for? That amendments to the current CIR that basically gut the bill fail. If the bill survives these amendments then we stand a good chance of succeeding in our efforts.
For strategic reasons, we cannot disclose everything we know about behind the scenes agreements.
Hang in there!
- Why is it not possible for IV to convince brownback or cronyn to support in a amedment that backlog reduction section for legal immigrants could take effect immdiately. it looks like for legal immigrants except for sen.session no one opposes any provision.
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03-19 10:08 PM
Thank You very much for your suggestion but how can he know that I am working on different project. I just want to buy a months time and then he himself will remove me from his payroll as these desi employers can't pay a single days salary on bench. Also just after a week of joining I am planning to visit India on my AP for four weeks. I want to resign after coming back. I want the initiative to be taken from his side and not mine. I have ben working with him since last five year and just for holding my H1B he has been taking a huge cut from my billing rate witout doing any thing.
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06-15 12:11 AM
You can file I485 while H1 is pending. But if you read the H1 ext clause, you can see that you are eligible for H1 extension beyond 6 years only if your labor is pending for more than 1 year, or if you can't file for adjustment of status because of retrogression. Now, because you are eligible for I-485, you lose the eligibility to extend H1, which means, your pending H1 can be denied whether you file I485 or not. You might be lucky and get away with successful extension. But if the officer knows what he is doing, he'll not clear your extension. I have to add that I am assuming your H1 extension is BEYOND 6 years. If it is within 6 years, there is no problem. You'll get an extension.
My 8th year H1 extension is pending with CIS, and my current H1 expires on June 26, 07. Can I file my 485 when my H1 status is pending from CIS?
Please advise.:confused:
My 8th year H1 extension is pending with CIS, and my current H1 expires on June 26, 07. Can I file my 485 when my H1 status is pending from CIS?
Please advise.:confused:
crazy hair color dye. Hair Color: Brownish blonde
08-04 11:58 AM
Obviously thansk for sharing!
my attorney said When you interfile, even if ur previous PD is current, you cannot file 140+485 together..
you have to first file the 140 requesting the previous PD be ported and then once that is approved..file you 485..!!
but he said....if ur PD is current you can take a chance and file both 140(requesting porting)+485 ..but then the chances of 485 being sent back are high..
my attorney said When you interfile, even if ur previous PD is current, you cannot file 140+485 together..
you have to first file the 140 requesting the previous PD be ported and then once that is approved..file you 485..!!
but he said....if ur PD is current you can take a chance and file both 140(requesting porting)+485 ..but then the chances of 485 being sent back are high..
crazy hair color dye. megan fox hair color dye.
08-18 04:41 PM
If she is here on H4 and while she was here her H1B got approved then there is no problem. As H1B is not VISA and its intent to hire. Infact if she wanted to to Join work on H1B, she will need to apply status change application for H4 to H1B.
No, not correct. Since she got a new I-94 her status changed to H1 w.e.f October 1, 2008.
However, because she did not work she is currently out of status. She will have to change her status back to H4 either by going out of country and re-entering with H4 visa or filing I-539.
No, not correct. Since she got a new I-94 her status changed to H1 w.e.f October 1, 2008.
However, because she did not work she is currently out of status. She will have to change her status back to H4 either by going out of country and re-entering with H4 visa or filing I-539.
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09-04 04:18 PM
LostInGCProcess, Chanduv23,
Thank you for your replies, I appreciate it.
So, I guess, it is okay to get the H1B "Transferred" and if (god forbid) I-485 gets denied, I can still work till the teneure of H1B and then go home.
Also, if i-140 is revoked , that should trigger NOID or RFE which the lawyer will handle (hopefully successfully).
Once again, Thanks a lot.
If 485 gets denied because of 140 revocation after 180 days, it is erroneous and has to be resolved through MTR. H1b is very useful in such cases as you can continue to work while you seek resolution through MTR. If on EAD it gets risky because you cannot work when MTR decision is awaited.
Thank you for your replies, I appreciate it.
So, I guess, it is okay to get the H1B "Transferred" and if (god forbid) I-485 gets denied, I can still work till the teneure of H1B and then go home.
Also, if i-140 is revoked , that should trigger NOID or RFE which the lawyer will handle (hopefully successfully).
Once again, Thanks a lot.
If 485 gets denied because of 140 revocation after 180 days, it is erroneous and has to be resolved through MTR. H1b is very useful in such cases as you can continue to work while you seek resolution through MTR. If on EAD it gets risky because you cannot work when MTR decision is awaited.
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11-26 02:54 PM
Thanks - amits, iamgsprabhu, kartikiran, MunnaBhai, Rajeev, srinivas_o, SubaM99 - for your pledge of support. I also request you guys to post the contribution you plan to make ( except amits who has pleadge a contribution of $100 through PM to me).
Others, please come forward to pledge your support. Please post the amount of monetary contribution you intend to make for the rally, and then vote 'Yes' on the poll.
I will contribute $100. I am also planning to attend the rally.
Others, please come forward to pledge your support. Please post the amount of monetary contribution you intend to make for the rally, and then vote 'Yes' on the poll.
I will contribute $100. I am also planning to attend the rally.
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08-08 03:01 PM
The credits are based on the amount of your earnings. We use your work history to determine your eligibility for retirement or disability benefits or your family�s eligibility for survivors benefits when you die.
In 2006, you receive one credit for each $970 of earnings, up to the maximum of four credits per year.
Each year the amount of earnings needed for credits goes up slightly as average earnings levels increase. The credits you earn remain on your Social Security record even if you change jobs or have no earnings for a while.
In 2006, you receive one credit for each $970 of earnings, up to the maximum of four credits per year.
Each year the amount of earnings needed for credits goes up slightly as average earnings levels increase. The credits you earn remain on your Social Security record even if you change jobs or have no earnings for a while.
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01-02 02:09 AM
See my answers below. Best of Luck!!
My new year begins with another immigration issue..need some urgent advice.
My wife went to the US Consulate in Chennai today for her first time H-1 stamping. She completed her Phd in Biology from the US and has been working for almost a year for a US biotech company. The consular officer has asked her to submit additional information -221(g); mostly about her job and the company. I can't understand it! Most of the information asked has already been submitted to the INS in reponse to a H-1 RFE.
My wife has an Advance Parole document and EAD based on my I-485 application.
Can you suggest options for her?
1. can she forget about the H-1, not respond to the 221(g) and travel back on advance parole and start working on EAD?
Yes she can. She need not respond and can travel back on AP. However consult an attorney on how to withdraw the visa application, so the record is straight.
2. If after submission of 221(g) her visa gets rejected, can she still use the Advance Parole to travel to US and work on her EAD?
Yes. AP and H1 have no relation to each other. She has an approved H1, so she can enter on AP and still work on H1. This is valid if she withdraws her H1 stamping application, if the visa gets rejected-consult an attorney about the use of H1 after rejection.3. Any other options/advice?[/QUOTE]
My new year begins with another immigration issue..need some urgent advice.
My wife went to the US Consulate in Chennai today for her first time H-1 stamping. She completed her Phd in Biology from the US and has been working for almost a year for a US biotech company. The consular officer has asked her to submit additional information -221(g); mostly about her job and the company. I can't understand it! Most of the information asked has already been submitted to the INS in reponse to a H-1 RFE.
My wife has an Advance Parole document and EAD based on my I-485 application.
Can you suggest options for her?
1. can she forget about the H-1, not respond to the 221(g) and travel back on advance parole and start working on EAD?
Yes she can. She need not respond and can travel back on AP. However consult an attorney on how to withdraw the visa application, so the record is straight.
2. If after submission of 221(g) her visa gets rejected, can she still use the Advance Parole to travel to US and work on her EAD?
Yes. AP and H1 have no relation to each other. She has an approved H1, so she can enter on AP and still work on H1. This is valid if she withdraws her H1 stamping application, if the visa gets rejected-consult an attorney about the use of H1 after rejection.3. Any other options/advice?[/QUOTE]
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07-18 12:48 PM
how long does it take to get Hard Copy of labor Approval from atalanta center?
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06-15 11:10 PM
I have a masters degree in mechanical engineering and I have been working as a system analyst for the last 2 years, does anybody here can advise if I can apply for EB2?
If yes what are the chances that there would be an RFE asking why is masters needed, I do think having done my masters i am able to understand and do the job better, but there is really no specif need for it.
Has anyone else gone through this confusion? What are the things to keep in mind?
Is there a special need how the job requirement should be?
Please advise.
education and experience requirements are tied to a position, not to the person. So the LC is going to look into whether the position of a systems analyst requires a masters, and if it does what kind (as the minimum requriements). At I-140 they see if YOU match the position for which the LC has been approved. If the LC said systems-analyst needs a masters in computer-science or electrical engineering, then you will have a problem.
You can potentially get two questions in the RFE:
- why does the job need a Masters (EB2 justification for LC)
- why does a masters in mechanical engineering satisfy the requirement of a masters for a system analyst position (whether you meet the requirement, at I-140 stage).
Since you yourself say the position does not require a masters, proviing it needs a masters in mech. engg might be even harder. Did you ask your company attorney about this? what do they say?
If yes what are the chances that there would be an RFE asking why is masters needed, I do think having done my masters i am able to understand and do the job better, but there is really no specif need for it.
Has anyone else gone through this confusion? What are the things to keep in mind?
Is there a special need how the job requirement should be?
Please advise.
education and experience requirements are tied to a position, not to the person. So the LC is going to look into whether the position of a systems analyst requires a masters, and if it does what kind (as the minimum requriements). At I-140 they see if YOU match the position for which the LC has been approved. If the LC said systems-analyst needs a masters in computer-science or electrical engineering, then you will have a problem.
You can potentially get two questions in the RFE:
- why does the job need a Masters (EB2 justification for LC)
- why does a masters in mechanical engineering satisfy the requirement of a masters for a system analyst position (whether you meet the requirement, at I-140 stage).
Since you yourself say the position does not require a masters, proviing it needs a masters in mech. engg might be even harder. Did you ask your company attorney about this? what do they say?
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09-23 01:02 AM
09/22/2008: USCIS Ombudsman Assistance Available for EAD Delay Cases
If your EAD applications are pending more than 90 days and you need ombudsman's assistance, the following steps should be take:
Step 1: Call USCIS National Customer Service Center (NCSC) at 1-(800) 375-5283 and record the time/date of the call and the name/number of the customer service representative: Explain to the customer service representative that your EAD has been pending more than 90 days and ask for a �service request.� You should receive a response to your service request within a week.
OR Ask the customer service representative to request an interim card for you. You should receive an EAD or response within a week.
Step 2: If you choose to visit a local USCIS office, schedule an INFOPASS appointment to visit that office on At the appointment, ask to apply for an interim EAD. Note that USCIS local offices no longer issue interim EADs. The local office can review your case and determine eligibility. The local office will forward your request to the USCIS service centers. You should receive an EAD or response within a week.
Step 3: If you have tried both Step 1 and Step 2 and have still not received your EAD or an interim card, please email the ombudsman's office at with the details of your efforts. Please include the date and time of your call to the NCSC and the name of the customer service representative. If you visited a USCIS office, please provide that information. The office will look into your case and review how we may be of assistance.
Wish they had something similar for AP too...anything? anyone?
If your EAD applications are pending more than 90 days and you need ombudsman's assistance, the following steps should be take:
Step 1: Call USCIS National Customer Service Center (NCSC) at 1-(800) 375-5283 and record the time/date of the call and the name/number of the customer service representative: Explain to the customer service representative that your EAD has been pending more than 90 days and ask for a �service request.� You should receive a response to your service request within a week.
OR Ask the customer service representative to request an interim card for you. You should receive an EAD or response within a week.
Step 2: If you choose to visit a local USCIS office, schedule an INFOPASS appointment to visit that office on At the appointment, ask to apply for an interim EAD. Note that USCIS local offices no longer issue interim EADs. The local office can review your case and determine eligibility. The local office will forward your request to the USCIS service centers. You should receive an EAD or response within a week.
Step 3: If you have tried both Step 1 and Step 2 and have still not received your EAD or an interim card, please email the ombudsman's office at with the details of your efforts. Please include the date and time of your call to the NCSC and the name of the customer service representative. If you visited a USCIS office, please provide that information. The office will look into your case and review how we may be of assistance.
Wish they had something similar for AP too...anything? anyone?
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02-23 02:01 PM
Dont worry you will get your RFE soon. I saw pretty much everyone is getting RFE for H1 extension ( beyond 6 yr) these days !
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01-09 04:20 PM
Its like going to tirupati and asking people if they have seen any mottai's [mottai - tamil, meaning shaved head].
On another note, practically everybody over here has seen/heard somebody losing their jobs...
talking about only personal friends or co-workers. Please do not vote yes if its some body you don't know but heard of.
On another note, practically everybody over here has seen/heard somebody losing their jobs...
talking about only personal friends or co-workers. Please do not vote yes if its some body you don't know but heard of.
02-25 02:50 PM
It says Nebraska is working on July 2007 does that mean they are that much ahead of Texas or are those numbers incorrect as well?
08-17 06:53 PM
One thing that stands out from US vs Europe(UK included) is that it is very difficult to blend into the main stream. Especially in UK where it is divided into Zones. These zones say that you belong to that community and that race.
Secondly, the number of IT jobs are comparatively less in UK and Europe and some places you need to know the language ex. Working with SAP AG or in SAP AG you need to know Deutsche otherwise you feel you are lost.
Thirdly, there is difference in the way the Operations are done, Process and procedures followed.
As the proverb goes The other side of the wall is always green. We cannot say UK is good or Germany is good unless we experienced. And also just one person becomes successful everyone cannot. One thing I can say for sure If anyone has MBA from top notch schools they can go to the top of the ladder easily in London Financial Industries.
Einen sch�nen Tag noch!
Secondly, the number of IT jobs are comparatively less in UK and Europe and some places you need to know the language ex. Working with SAP AG or in SAP AG you need to know Deutsche otherwise you feel you are lost.
Thirdly, there is difference in the way the Operations are done, Process and procedures followed.
As the proverb goes The other side of the wall is always green. We cannot say UK is good or Germany is good unless we experienced. And also just one person becomes successful everyone cannot. One thing I can say for sure If anyone has MBA from top notch schools they can go to the top of the ladder easily in London Financial Industries.
Einen sch�nen Tag noch!
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