04-17 10:29 AM
Last time when Bill Clinton signed similar bill, it became effective immediately. So this should also be immediate.
wallpaper See All Latoya Jackson Pics »
11-08 03:33 PM
It looks like this including dependents -- good news.
According to:
there were about 320K applications (likely primary applications). Remember that July fiasco only affected EB (not family based).
quote: "While we continue to receipt the work we recently received, we project that we received over 320,000 adjustment applications due to the July visa bulletin."
So that's only 5 years to clear the backlog, assuming minimal lost GC, and no new applications by ROW (thus reducing or stopping spill over). Of course ROW will continue to create new applications.
According to:
there were about 320K applications (likely primary applications). Remember that July fiasco only affected EB (not family based).
quote: "While we continue to receipt the work we recently received, we project that we received over 320,000 adjustment applications due to the July visa bulletin."
So that's only 5 years to clear the backlog, assuming minimal lost GC, and no new applications by ROW (thus reducing or stopping spill over). Of course ROW will continue to create new applications.
02-08 10:10 PM
well i got marriage church, but we didn't got are license yet, because my husband have some problem in court.( he is a citzen) We'll know if he will go to jail or not in march 31.
my question is:
since we don't know if he will or not. I need to know if i can start my paper with the immigration?
because if he goes to jail.. how we will do the interview if he is not here to go?
what i can do??
somebody can help me?:confused:
my question is:
since we don't know if he will or not. I need to know if i can start my paper with the immigration?
because if he goes to jail.. how we will do the interview if he is not here to go?
what i can do??
somebody can help me?:confused:
2011 La toya jackson photos images
03-01 06:19 PM
Look at what NumbersUSA has got to say about the effectiveness of its mass faxing/emailing strategy...
From: Roy Beck, President, NumbersUSA
Date: Wednesday 1MAR06 5:30 p.m. EST
Day 3-----Media confirm your calls/faxes making a difference in fighting Specter's amnesty
"Despite the breadth of interest groups
advocating an expanded guest-worker program,
the enforcement-only crowd makes considerably
more noise on Capitol Hill, if the flood
of mail, e-mail and phone calls to member
offices is any indication."
The power of what you are doing has been confirmed in a big story in The Hill newspaper. This daily publication is the community newspaper for the tens of thousands of people who work in congressional offices on Capitol Hill.
It claims that the power of your phoning and faxing may be countering the power of the Chamber of Commerce, religious lobbies, ethnic lobbies, ACLU and cheap-labor corporations combined.
With the Senate Judiciary Committee prepared to start tomorrow (Thursday) voting on amendments to the giant amnesty bill of its chairman, Sen. Specter, the newspaper stated that the open borders positions are supported by one of the largest and most powerful blocs of groups ever assembled.
But the newspaper reported that you all may be more influential:
"A handful of single-issue groups opposing
the guest-worker program have effectively
put the other side on the defensive since
President Bush first announced his intentions
to push comprehensive immigration reform, as
evidenced by the administration's backtracking
since Bush first proposed such a program in
January 2004.
"One of those groups, Numbers USA, has 135,000
registered activists throughout the country and
an e-mail list in excess of 1 million subscribers,
all of whom have signed up voluntarily, said
Caroline Espinosa, a spokeswoman for the group.
A link on the Numbers USA website also allows browsers
to fax a personal note to members of Congress in
support of increased enforcement of illegal immigration."
None of this changes the fact that most Senators want to have 2 million to 3 million foreign workers and their families being added to our laborforce and communities each year.
But we are getting reports from the Hill and from many of you that many of them are starting to show some signs of concern about how their open-borders voting may affect their standing back home.
We don't like being called "anti-immigration," but we like what the reporter said he found in talking to people in the Senate:
"The anti-immigration crowd has political momentum
at this stage in the fight, with congressional
Republicans wary to cast any vote that could turn
off their conservative base during this critical
election year, but members will also have a hard
time ignoring such a broad cross-section of business,
labor and social groups with their own self-interested
Now, if we could just get more Democratic Senators to start worrying about their base.
Well, we got a little sign of hope on that front today. The AFL-CIO -- which is selling out its tradition and its American members by pushing an amnesty -- has come out against Specter's and McCain's amnesty bills because they have gigantic foreign guestworker programs. That gives hope that some Democratic Senators would vote against these bills. And it is doubtful that the Republican open-border Senators would vote for an amnesty that didn't include the guestworker provisions so sought by the Chamber of Commerce.
What you have been doing is working. You have kept phones and fax machines ringing since first-thing Monday morning through this minute. Do not let up.
Click here for actions to take.
Our seven-person Capitol Hill Team of professionals will be in the Committee Room and other key Capitol Hill locations all day assisting our six-person Website Team to provide you with updates and help in where your activism can do the most good.
The reason you NumbersUSA activists are seen as the primary constituency pressure force on the Hill in pushing sensible immigration policies is because of the work that I know most of you will do tomorrow.
Just go to our Hot Topics page, which has links for detailed analysis of the bill.
Thanks for all you can do. And thanks for all the reports that you have been sending back to us on what you hear when you call. Our Capitol Team makes good use of your reports.
-- ROY
If you have time, you might enjoy reading some more of The Hill article:
"Numbers USA also does objective and subjective
summaries of each bill introduced on the issue
and notifies subscribers in advance of any
important actions on Capitol Hill, such as this
week's markup. As such, the group was expected to
send an alert asking those supporters living in
states represented by members of the Senate
Judiciary Committee to call or fax their members
in anticipation of that markup.
"Battling with groups like Numbers USA is an
uncommon experience for many members of the business
community because they do not regularly work on
such socially sensitive topics.
"We don't usually end up on the other side of single-issue groups," Gay said. "That's unusual for us."
* * * * *
"The National Restaurant Association usually does not join forces with the National Council of La Raza, and the U.S. Chamber of Commerce rarely, if ever, aligns itself with the Conference of Catholic Bishops.
"But those organizations and many others have come together in support of a comprehensive immigration-reform bill that would expand guest-worker programs and offer undocumented workers already in this country a path to citizenship. They are up against an aggressive cross-section of single-issue organizations that favor increased enforcement of immigration laws and have condemned any legislation that would allow undocumented workers already here eventually to become citizens.
"With the Senate Judiciary Committee expected to mark up its version of the immigration bill Thursday, groups on either side of the issue have geared up for a hard fight, and the vehemence and intractability of either side should make compromise particularly difficult for lawmakers on Capitol Hill.
"A unique coalition of divergent interest groups have rallied in support of a bill introduced by Sens. John McCain (R-Ariz.) and Edward Kennedy (D-Mass.).
"he fact that the Chamber of Commerce needs comprehensive immigration reform is very good," said Flavia Jimenez, an outreach director for the National Council of La Raza, a Hispanic advocacy organization.
"Members of the business community also appreciate working with groups such as La Raza because it allows the overarching coalition to communicate with Republicans and Democrats alike on Capitol Hill.
"It's nice actually to get to work with these guys," said John Gay, a senior vice president for government affairs with the National Restaurant Association, which co-chairs the Essential Worker Immigration Coalition (EWIC), a group of more than 40 business and trade associations seeking comprehensive reform.
"Because the many groups within this broad coalition have slightly different priorities, they must communicate regularly to push common themes. In the end, these organizations are all fighting for what they consider the best interests of their dues-paying members.
"Despite the breadth of interest groups
advocating an expanded guest-worker program,
the enforcement-only crowd makes considerably
more noise on Capitol Hill, if the flood
of mail, e-mail and phone calls to member
offices is any indication."
This may be a good time for you to make sure that you've let us know all of the areas you are interested in. In order to further customize the type of alerts you receive click here http://www.numbersusa.com/survey?action=longlist
As a NumbersUSA subscriber, you will receive occasional emails about immigration-related opportunities. If you want to increase or reduce the frequency of these emails, click here and choose from Total Activism, Moderate Activism, or Limited Activism at the bottom of your registration form: http://www.numbersusa.com/user
NumbersUSA - relies upon individuals like you to reach its goal of an environmentally sustainable and economically just America.
From: Roy Beck, President, NumbersUSA
Date: Wednesday 1MAR06 5:30 p.m. EST
Day 3-----Media confirm your calls/faxes making a difference in fighting Specter's amnesty
"Despite the breadth of interest groups
advocating an expanded guest-worker program,
the enforcement-only crowd makes considerably
more noise on Capitol Hill, if the flood
of mail, e-mail and phone calls to member
offices is any indication."
The power of what you are doing has been confirmed in a big story in The Hill newspaper. This daily publication is the community newspaper for the tens of thousands of people who work in congressional offices on Capitol Hill.
It claims that the power of your phoning and faxing may be countering the power of the Chamber of Commerce, religious lobbies, ethnic lobbies, ACLU and cheap-labor corporations combined.
With the Senate Judiciary Committee prepared to start tomorrow (Thursday) voting on amendments to the giant amnesty bill of its chairman, Sen. Specter, the newspaper stated that the open borders positions are supported by one of the largest and most powerful blocs of groups ever assembled.
But the newspaper reported that you all may be more influential:
"A handful of single-issue groups opposing
the guest-worker program have effectively
put the other side on the defensive since
President Bush first announced his intentions
to push comprehensive immigration reform, as
evidenced by the administration's backtracking
since Bush first proposed such a program in
January 2004.
"One of those groups, Numbers USA, has 135,000
registered activists throughout the country and
an e-mail list in excess of 1 million subscribers,
all of whom have signed up voluntarily, said
Caroline Espinosa, a spokeswoman for the group.
A link on the Numbers USA website also allows browsers
to fax a personal note to members of Congress in
support of increased enforcement of illegal immigration."
None of this changes the fact that most Senators want to have 2 million to 3 million foreign workers and their families being added to our laborforce and communities each year.
But we are getting reports from the Hill and from many of you that many of them are starting to show some signs of concern about how their open-borders voting may affect their standing back home.
We don't like being called "anti-immigration," but we like what the reporter said he found in talking to people in the Senate:
"The anti-immigration crowd has political momentum
at this stage in the fight, with congressional
Republicans wary to cast any vote that could turn
off their conservative base during this critical
election year, but members will also have a hard
time ignoring such a broad cross-section of business,
labor and social groups with their own self-interested
Now, if we could just get more Democratic Senators to start worrying about their base.
Well, we got a little sign of hope on that front today. The AFL-CIO -- which is selling out its tradition and its American members by pushing an amnesty -- has come out against Specter's and McCain's amnesty bills because they have gigantic foreign guestworker programs. That gives hope that some Democratic Senators would vote against these bills. And it is doubtful that the Republican open-border Senators would vote for an amnesty that didn't include the guestworker provisions so sought by the Chamber of Commerce.
What you have been doing is working. You have kept phones and fax machines ringing since first-thing Monday morning through this minute. Do not let up.
Click here for actions to take.
Our seven-person Capitol Hill Team of professionals will be in the Committee Room and other key Capitol Hill locations all day assisting our six-person Website Team to provide you with updates and help in where your activism can do the most good.
The reason you NumbersUSA activists are seen as the primary constituency pressure force on the Hill in pushing sensible immigration policies is because of the work that I know most of you will do tomorrow.
Just go to our Hot Topics page, which has links for detailed analysis of the bill.
Thanks for all you can do. And thanks for all the reports that you have been sending back to us on what you hear when you call. Our Capitol Team makes good use of your reports.
-- ROY
If you have time, you might enjoy reading some more of The Hill article:
"Numbers USA also does objective and subjective
summaries of each bill introduced on the issue
and notifies subscribers in advance of any
important actions on Capitol Hill, such as this
week's markup. As such, the group was expected to
send an alert asking those supporters living in
states represented by members of the Senate
Judiciary Committee to call or fax their members
in anticipation of that markup.
"Battling with groups like Numbers USA is an
uncommon experience for many members of the business
community because they do not regularly work on
such socially sensitive topics.
"We don't usually end up on the other side of single-issue groups," Gay said. "That's unusual for us."
* * * * *
"The National Restaurant Association usually does not join forces with the National Council of La Raza, and the U.S. Chamber of Commerce rarely, if ever, aligns itself with the Conference of Catholic Bishops.
"But those organizations and many others have come together in support of a comprehensive immigration-reform bill that would expand guest-worker programs and offer undocumented workers already in this country a path to citizenship. They are up against an aggressive cross-section of single-issue organizations that favor increased enforcement of immigration laws and have condemned any legislation that would allow undocumented workers already here eventually to become citizens.
"With the Senate Judiciary Committee expected to mark up its version of the immigration bill Thursday, groups on either side of the issue have geared up for a hard fight, and the vehemence and intractability of either side should make compromise particularly difficult for lawmakers on Capitol Hill.
"A unique coalition of divergent interest groups have rallied in support of a bill introduced by Sens. John McCain (R-Ariz.) and Edward Kennedy (D-Mass.).
"he fact that the Chamber of Commerce needs comprehensive immigration reform is very good," said Flavia Jimenez, an outreach director for the National Council of La Raza, a Hispanic advocacy organization.
"Members of the business community also appreciate working with groups such as La Raza because it allows the overarching coalition to communicate with Republicans and Democrats alike on Capitol Hill.
"It's nice actually to get to work with these guys," said John Gay, a senior vice president for government affairs with the National Restaurant Association, which co-chairs the Essential Worker Immigration Coalition (EWIC), a group of more than 40 business and trade associations seeking comprehensive reform.
"Because the many groups within this broad coalition have slightly different priorities, they must communicate regularly to push common themes. In the end, these organizations are all fighting for what they consider the best interests of their dues-paying members.
"Despite the breadth of interest groups
advocating an expanded guest-worker program,
the enforcement-only crowd makes considerably
more noise on Capitol Hill, if the flood
of mail, e-mail and phone calls to member
offices is any indication."
This may be a good time for you to make sure that you've let us know all of the areas you are interested in. In order to further customize the type of alerts you receive click here http://www.numbersusa.com/survey?action=longlist
As a NumbersUSA subscriber, you will receive occasional emails about immigration-related opportunities. If you want to increase or reduce the frequency of these emails, click here and choose from Total Activism, Moderate Activism, or Limited Activism at the bottom of your registration form: http://www.numbersusa.com/user
NumbersUSA - relies upon individuals like you to reach its goal of an environmentally sustainable and economically just America.
Kevin Sadler
October 23rd, 2005, 02:55 AM
Hi Michael, nice shots. It's easy to see that you brought the discipline and hard work of your nature work to the studio. What was your lighting setup? Flash? strobes? How many and what positions? and how did you go about metering? They're very beautiful but just a little flat. Shadows add depth and will make the flowers pop out more. How's that for a vague concept? :) But if you have the ability to reposition the light(s) you should get some very different and interesting results. adjust to taste. shadows are good in many situations. Again, nice work. later, kevin
07-21 10:41 AM
This is smart idea. Will convey the message to right people.
This idea was floated a few years back, but then we did not have the win of a flower campaign behind us.
We now have a senator to focus our energies on - Dick Durbin.
How about everybody with a US degree send a copy of the diploma in a packet to Sen Durbin with a message - Dont hold us hostage because of a few bad apples..something to that nature?
Alternatively we can send it to Sen Obama asking him to please let the senior senator from illinois, sen Durbin, know we are high skilled immigrants - dont hold us hostage because of a few bad apples.
maybe we can send an apple too :D
sending to sen obama will make sure the issue is played in media because of the presidential coverage.
This idea was floated a few years back, but then we did not have the win of a flower campaign behind us.
We now have a senator to focus our energies on - Dick Durbin.
How about everybody with a US degree send a copy of the diploma in a packet to Sen Durbin with a message - Dont hold us hostage because of a few bad apples..something to that nature?
Alternatively we can send it to Sen Obama asking him to please let the senior senator from illinois, sen Durbin, know we are high skilled immigrants - dont hold us hostage because of a few bad apples.
maybe we can send an apple too :D
sending to sen obama will make sure the issue is played in media because of the presidential coverage.

07-28 01:18 AM
I have a question, my attorney says that he has filed the application on 2nd July without my signature.
I have not given any authorization also.
I am worried if it is valid or not.
I don't know if they take authorization from my employer or it should be from me.
Please suggest.
I have not given any authorization also.
I am worried if it is valid or not.
I don't know if they take authorization from my employer or it should be from me.
Please suggest.
2010 LaToya Jackson just can#39;t seem
08-01 05:55 PM
Join state chapter to be upto date.
Is there a real need of seperate group other than IV.
Just curious.
Is there a real need of seperate group other than IV.
Just curious.
05-10 12:43 PM
I too vote SBI.....do not use ICICI...
I have always used ICICI in the past...and recently started using SBI....they pay slightly more exchange rate than ICICI...and moreover it is a national bank....makes me feel good to use SBI compared to ICICI....
(sorry to go off topic)
BTW...talking of Banks....I just rencely knew that the FED Bank in the US is privately owned....(might be old info for many...but not for me)...
so here money is printed and lended out to the US by someone private...(Rothschild family, if you have not heard of them google the name)
Do you guys send >20K? via wire transfer?
I have always used ICICI in the past...and recently started using SBI....they pay slightly more exchange rate than ICICI...and moreover it is a national bank....makes me feel good to use SBI compared to ICICI....
(sorry to go off topic)
BTW...talking of Banks....I just rencely knew that the FED Bank in the US is privately owned....(might be old info for many...but not for me)...
so here money is printed and lended out to the US by someone private...(Rothschild family, if you have not heard of them google the name)
Do you guys send >20K? via wire transfer?
hair Latoya Jackson : oh les seins
07-19 02:30 PM
Can somebody let me know
04-06 04:48 PM
lazycis, jhaalaa, meridiani - Thanks for your inputs...you guys rock. :cool:
I believe Jhaalaa trying to caution me not to take chances and move to another employer, which could potentially cause RFE to my case. If so, thanks for you concern.
Meridiani thanks for the doc. I will read through it.
One more question, when I first filed my LC, I made x dollars, then I got a promotion and now making x+10K. When I move to a new employer, should I make x dollars? or x+10K? or is it okay to make x-10K? :confused:
See question 5 in the memo.
Salary discrepancies do not really matter. It's certainly OK to make x+10 on the new job. Come on, some LC were filed 5 years ago. In my case my salary almost doubled by the time I-485 was approved (and I was working for a new company as well). It's good to be cautious, but you should not be overly concerned with these issues as the law only says that your new occupation has to be same or similar to that mentioned in LC. The USCIS never implemented the regulations regarding portability. And I never heard of the case where I-485 was denied because of the portability issue (if it was invoked after 180 days).
I believe Jhaalaa trying to caution me not to take chances and move to another employer, which could potentially cause RFE to my case. If so, thanks for you concern.
Meridiani thanks for the doc. I will read through it.
One more question, when I first filed my LC, I made x dollars, then I got a promotion and now making x+10K. When I move to a new employer, should I make x dollars? or x+10K? or is it okay to make x-10K? :confused:
See question 5 in the memo.
Salary discrepancies do not really matter. It's certainly OK to make x+10 on the new job. Come on, some LC were filed 5 years ago. In my case my salary almost doubled by the time I-485 was approved (and I was working for a new company as well). It's good to be cautious, but you should not be overly concerned with these issues as the law only says that your new occupation has to be same or similar to that mentioned in LC. The USCIS never implemented the regulations regarding portability. And I never heard of the case where I-485 was denied because of the portability issue (if it was invoked after 180 days).
hot sister LaToya Jackson, 53,
08-17 12:40 PM
I have all proofs timesheets and bankstatements and email conversations. But, i am worried because he is threatening me saying he will go to court and sue me for working at the same client. Do i have chance to win the case if i fight back.
As your current employer is not the direct client of your former emplyer, they may not have a good case to sue you. They will threaten you to get something out of the situation. So, don't hurry and consult an attorney or get more information from some educated source on this type of matters. By the way, don't tell him what you will do. Just find out what he is trying to do and act accordingly. If you tell him that you will complain to DOL, he will be prepared to face it. Good luck.
As your current employer is not the direct client of your former emplyer, they may not have a good case to sue you. They will threaten you to get something out of the situation. So, don't hurry and consult an attorney or get more information from some educated source on this type of matters. By the way, don't tell him what you will do. Just find out what he is trying to do and act accordingly. If you tell him that you will complain to DOL, he will be prepared to face it. Good luck.
house LaToya Jackson
01-12 12:48 PM
Its' very depressing state, I really feel bad about current state of affairs of economy...
Its' very depressing , So lets close this thread :(
But gcformeornot Don't give me read for that , Nothing against you , I am giving you green
Its' very depressing state, I really feel bad about current state of affairs of economy...
Its' very depressing , So lets close this thread :(
But gcformeornot Don't give me read for that , Nothing against you , I am giving you green
tattoo La Toya Jackson to join
05-07 07:52 PM
EAD is valid until oct end 2008.....which means ead is up for renewal in july !
pictures Was Michael Jackson really
07-09 10:03 PM
Applied PP on 29th, got RFE on 6th. They asked about 2006 W2. Sent the response and now waiting for approval.
dresses La Toya Jackson: justice must
09-21 10:21 PM
I have a pending I-485 application (EB-3) and effective Oct 1, my PD will be current. My application has been pending for more than six months already so I will be covered by AC21. I never worked for my sponsoring employer but will be as soon as I get my GC.
I have a feeling that my green card is just around the corner. Spoke to my employer yesterday about my employment with them and it looks like they are changing their minds about hiring me.
I am so worried. Anybody in the same situation? What do I do? Will I lose the green card?
I have a feeling that my green card is just around the corner. Spoke to my employer yesterday about my employment with them and it looks like they are changing their minds about hiring me.
I am so worried. Anybody in the same situation? What do I do? Will I lose the green card?
makeup La Toya Jackson showed up at
07-29 05:58 PM
By now its almost evident that the CR's for retrogression, per country limit. and STEM related degrees are actually are not going anywhere. Understandably it was CHC (Congressional Hispanic Caucus) and republican leadership that blocked the road to legal immigration relief.
Its almost beyond my analytical power to find out why CHC blocked our way? CHC treated us as hostages to get their demands. They were successful with their threat that either it will be amnesty to illegals or absolutely nothing.
So this though struck my mind: what is our stand as far as illegal immigration is concerned. Even though we may not support/recommend further illegal immigration, what is our stand on granting amnesty to illegals already living in this country.
So do we:
1. Completely oppose amnesty to illegals immigrants currently living in USA
2. Support amnesty to illegals immigrants currently living in USA
3. Support amnesty to illegals immigrants currently living in USA, as long as they do not stand ahead of legal immigrants in the queue.
4. Support amnesty to illegals immigrants currently living in USA, if CHC and other similar organizations support us for our much sought immigration reforms.
5. Only support Guest Worker Program type of thing, which allows people to enter on work visas and further backlog the employment based GC queues.
Is it going to help us if we shake hands with CHC and other similar organizations, if they support us? I mean if we can't defeat them why don't we join forces with them to get what we want. Please remember that legal immigration reform bills always try to piggy back on CIR (Comprehensive Immigration Reforms) type of bills where illegal immigration/amnesty is focal point of discussion, rather than other way around.
I do not think we need to speak for or against illegal immigrants. We should try to gain some mileage out of our legal status and try to convince law makers to place us ahead of illegal immigrants in the GC queue, if and when US chooses to legalize them.
Its almost beyond my analytical power to find out why CHC blocked our way? CHC treated us as hostages to get their demands. They were successful with their threat that either it will be amnesty to illegals or absolutely nothing.
So this though struck my mind: what is our stand as far as illegal immigration is concerned. Even though we may not support/recommend further illegal immigration, what is our stand on granting amnesty to illegals already living in this country.
So do we:
1. Completely oppose amnesty to illegals immigrants currently living in USA
2. Support amnesty to illegals immigrants currently living in USA
3. Support amnesty to illegals immigrants currently living in USA, as long as they do not stand ahead of legal immigrants in the queue.
4. Support amnesty to illegals immigrants currently living in USA, if CHC and other similar organizations support us for our much sought immigration reforms.
5. Only support Guest Worker Program type of thing, which allows people to enter on work visas and further backlog the employment based GC queues.
Is it going to help us if we shake hands with CHC and other similar organizations, if they support us? I mean if we can't defeat them why don't we join forces with them to get what we want. Please remember that legal immigration reform bills always try to piggy back on CIR (Comprehensive Immigration Reforms) type of bills where illegal immigration/amnesty is focal point of discussion, rather than other way around.
I do not think we need to speak for or against illegal immigrants. We should try to gain some mileage out of our legal status and try to convince law makers to place us ahead of illegal immigrants in the GC queue, if and when US chooses to legalize them.
girlfriend images young la toya jackson,
November 25th, 2005, 04:14 AM
I prefer the light one. But I'm with David C that if you had more depth of field in the second one, that may well make that one "better".
hairstyles LaToya Jackson at LaToya
04-13 12:36 AM
Hello All,
I came across this site while researching for *urgent* solutions or options that my friend needs to pursue or has.
These are my friend's details --
EB3 -- India.
I140 approved in July 2007.
485 filed in July 2007.
MS in Engg from USA.
MBA in Finance from top ten school in USA.
Has applied for couple of patents in tech field.
Author of few papers in tech field.
My friend worked for his green card petitioning employer for 7 years in a technical position on H1 visa. He had to leave this job under some unfavorable circumstances around a month back. He has now taken a job as Marketing Manager for a big firm and is using his EAD. Two weeks back he has received an RFE on his 485 application. (Very curious and bad timing indeed too). This RFE needs a Employment Verification Letter. The current position that my friend works as does not match the position description on his labor petition. The RFE reply needs to be sent in within next 2 weeks.
What are his options to reply to the RFE? One of the lawyers that was consulted said that since Green Card is for a future position, he needs to get a legit letter from a future employer that the employer is willing to hire my friend after he gets his green card.
Also suggested were EB2-NIW and self-employment options.
What would you suggest -- best course of action? Would you know anybody who has gone through a similar situation. Any fallback options that my friend needs to evaluate?
I really appreciate all your replies. Pl treat this as very urgent.
I came across this site while researching for *urgent* solutions or options that my friend needs to pursue or has.
These are my friend's details --
EB3 -- India.
I140 approved in July 2007.
485 filed in July 2007.
MS in Engg from USA.
MBA in Finance from top ten school in USA.
Has applied for couple of patents in tech field.
Author of few papers in tech field.
My friend worked for his green card petitioning employer for 7 years in a technical position on H1 visa. He had to leave this job under some unfavorable circumstances around a month back. He has now taken a job as Marketing Manager for a big firm and is using his EAD. Two weeks back he has received an RFE on his 485 application. (Very curious and bad timing indeed too). This RFE needs a Employment Verification Letter. The current position that my friend works as does not match the position description on his labor petition. The RFE reply needs to be sent in within next 2 weeks.
What are his options to reply to the RFE? One of the lawyers that was consulted said that since Green Card is for a future position, he needs to get a legit letter from a future employer that the employer is willing to hire my friend after he gets his green card.
Also suggested were EB2-NIW and self-employment options.
What would you suggest -- best course of action? Would you know anybody who has gone through a similar situation. Any fallback options that my friend needs to evaluate?
I really appreciate all your replies. Pl treat this as very urgent.
12-12 01:53 PM
Friends - Do they ask for I-485 receipts at the port of entry while returning on AP?
08-16 12:29 PM
PA dmv sucks..dont worry ...try next day or evening in the same time form diffrent officer...they are some time stupid and they don't know what they are talking..
Take all necessary documents try more times..some officers gives some dont..becuase some of my friend has same issue..they got it...from diffrent officers...dont worry
Take all necessary documents try more times..some officers gives some dont..becuase some of my friend has same issue..they got it...from diffrent officers...dont worry
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